The alternative to the imperial context and business perspective is the communal context. If building or restoring community is key to restoring the commons, discover that the seeds of this future are in place.

There are people in leadership positions initiating social changes and inventions focused on communal restoration in support of the commons. These are community builders around the world that are lifting us into this future. You would never know it from their job titles: City Manager, Urban Planner, Social Entrepreneur, Strategy Consultant, School Board Member, Artist, Social Worker, Mother, Police Chief, Farmer, Surgeon, Union Organizer, Teacher, Disabilities Activist, Museum Director and Commissioner of Tourism. All of them realize that if they want to achieve results on the toughest problems, community building is central to that aspiration. They work with the communal focus in mind and are inventing the methodologies of restoration.   

These people are acting on the alternative narrative that transformation occurs through gift-mindedness, welcoming the stranger, and deepening associational life among citizens. As they shift the context and the language from individual to community, from scarcity to abundance, from self-interest to generosity, from management to engagement, they change the world. This is our audience.