Walter Brueggemann joins Peter Block and John McKnight in a continuance of the conversation from their book An Other Kingdom: Departing the Consumer Culture. What does a post-consumer culture look like? What happens when narrative and actions move away from the current free market ideology and into neighborliness?


In this video:

  • What would the Exodus look like today? (6:15-9:00)
  • From consumption to contribution (9:30-11:30)
  • The importance of personal (18:30-19:30)
  • Future is constituted by story, song, poems and sacrament (21:00-23:20)
  • A vocation of inconvenience (30:30-32:30)


“I would think what triggered the movement that led to departure and emancipation was a coming to consciousness.” – Walter

“Maybe the call for agency and departure is a willingness to be inconvenienced. Everything will take longer.” – Peter

“We have to keep building more and more local manifestations of how we can produce what’s needed for our lives rather than purchasing what’s needed.” – John