Walter Brueggemann
Walter Brueggemann: Lament and Narratives
Filled with Wonder
Bringing Forth Jubilee in 2019
From an Extractive to Neighborly Economy
Walter Brueggemann shares insight on today’s economy of extraction, a modern version of Pharaoh’s economy. The extractive economy is abnormal and the enemy of God’s intention for our neighborhood and our common humanness. Brueggemann describes to participants at the Conspire Gathering how when people left Pharaoh into the wilderness life supports were given. Listen:
Departing the Consumer Culture
Another Other Kingdom
Living into an Abundant Economy
Walter Brueggemann: Pharaoh’s Economy Today
Announcing Common Good
Abundant Communities Zooms to Alberta
Walter Brueggemann
Jubilee Forum 1 – Walter Brueggemann
Jubilee Forum 1, August 13, 2015
Walter Brueggemann, retired (supposedly) Old Testament Scholar and author, speaks to our relationship with money. He speaks to the exodus story and the wilderness from the Old Testament and the Pharaoh economy. It is about our passion for austerity and the possibility of creating an alternative.
The Economics of Compassion: Can This City Wipe Out Debt by 2019?
Data vs. Narrative
Welcoming the Poor in from Exile
Walter is an old testament scholar who grounds and activates our efforts to restore the commons by connecting Biblical narratives to the modern economy. He offers compelling insights into how we can imagine a way beyond the human costs of a culture built on acquisition and individualism.
Source: TalkShoe