Tag Archives: common good
Peter Block on the Shadow Side of Culture
The Consumer Economy and its Crushing Assumptions
The Jubilee Campaign
In Search of the Tie That Binds
A Case for Empathy
Jubilee Forum 4 – Professor Waleed El-Ansary
Jubilee Forum 4, December 3, 2015
Professor Waleed El-Ansary, Islamic Scholar and Xavier Professor of Islamic Studies, speaking from the perspective of the Koran and Islamic culture on debt and economics. This includes how the land and earnings were committed to the common good. This means there was no such thing as consumer debt. He also explains the close connection between art, production and the presence of God. There was never a separation between science, work and spiritual meaning.
Putting Technology to Work in Building Community
Ed Everett
Ed Everett, former city manager and now city strategist at nextdoor.com, talks about how technology and social media can bring neighbors closer together and strengthen community ties.
Working in the Gap to Enhance Productivity
Tom Mosgaller
Tom Mosgaller talks about the necessity of having “gappers” aka people who work in the space between citizens and institutions.